Biting Finger Nails, 5 Potent Ways to Stop

Biting finger nails – you can stop! Onychophagia, generally known as nail biting is a very common problem. This is a compulsive disorder, occurring to nearly half the population of the earth and it is most frequent amongst children and teenagers. It has a variety of root causes and the best way to cure this […]

Biting your nails – How to stop in 3 steps

Biting your nails – stop with these three steps Nail biting is a habit that many people have. Usually it starts in infancy, between the ages of 4 and 10, but some people carry this habit on into adulthood. This habit is sometimes due to worry, anxiousness, stress or boredom. Regardless of what the reason […]

Nail Biting – The Constant Problem

Nail biting a constant problem? Nail biting is a habit where a person usually bites their fingernails or toenails. This may be because a person is feeling bored, nervous, stressed or he/she may be hungry. The reasons are varied. Excessive nail biting can be a sign of mental or emotional disorder. This habit can be […]

Biting Nails And How To Stop Today

Biting nails getting you down? It is generally seen that nail biting is the result of stress, worries and boredom. There are many who unconsciously start biting nails. And nail biting is perhaps one of the most common habits present in this world. As much as forty four percent of adolescents are habituated of biting […]